API BUL 16J-1992
Bulletin on Comparison of Marine Drilling Riser Analyses
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
API | 1992 | 45 |
a. Recognizing the need for a standard method of analyzing marine drilling risers, the API Committee on the Standardization of Offshore Structures began a program of comparing existing computer programs for such analyses. To make this comparison, a standard set of problems was defined and a Task Group formed by the Committee on Standardization of Offshore Structures obtained computer solutions of this set from various participants. The First Edition of API RP 2J was issued in January 1977. This Edition now under the jurisdiction of the Committee on Standardization of Drilling Well Control Systems and renumbered Bul 16J has added a number of deepwater cases along with some random wave cases. The number of participants has increased from nine to 14. The statistical summaries of these solutions are presented in this bulletin.
b. The purposes of issuing these results are: (1) to show the degree of agreement among a representative group of riser analysis computer programs. and (2) to present data which can be used to help validate other such programs.
c. In cases where the results of a participant differed significantly (some 25% or more) from the consistently clustered results of the majority of the participants, results were omitted. Numerous attempts were made by the committee members to assist participants in correcting input errors, problem definitions, and other likely sources of disagreement. The omissions were handled on a problem by problem basis, i.e., the number of solutions used to compile the results for each problem varies. The number of solutions included for each individual problem is indicated throughout the tables and figures in parentheses following the problem designation.
d. None of these results have been directly validated by measurements on equivalent real risers, although some of the programs have been partially validated in other applications. Comparisons such as those described here are not intended to replace or lessen the need for such validation.
e. American Petroleum Institute (API) Bulletins are published to provide information for which there is a broad industry need but which does not constitute either Specifications or Recommended Practices.
f. Any Bulletin may be used by anyone desiring to do so, and a diligent effort has been made by API to assure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained herein. However, the Institute makes no representation, warranty or guarantee in connection with the publication of any bulletin and hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from its use, for any violation of any federal, state, or municipal regulation with which an API recommendation may conflict, or for the infringement of any patent resulting from the use of this publication.