AS/NZS 1148:2001 (R2016)
Timber – Nomenclature – Australian, New Zealand and imported species
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
AS | 2001-07-13 | 225 |
Sets out a list of botanical names and preferred common names for tree species for use in orders and specifications. Preferred common names have been provided for use in specifying. An alphabetical index is provided, including both botanical names and preferred common names. Other inforamtion includes identification of hardwoods and softwoods, normal sources of supply, and, for reference only, other names.
This Standard lists tree species (hardwoods and softwoods) that may be of commercial interest in Australia and New Zealand, including indigenous and imported species. Both botanical names (scientific names) and preferred common names are independently given in alphabetical sequence as the first point of entry to the listing. Other information given includes other common names (local names) and sources of supply.
This Standard is intended for use by engineers, import and export agents, specification writers, builders, students, teachers, government departments and all personnel concerned with the nomenclature of species in shipping, specifications and other documentation.
NOTE: Although this Standard is intended primarily as a reference document for the timber industry, the listing of a species does not mean that it is of a size suitable for use in sawmilling. Many species have been listed because of their importance, or potential importance, as a source of other types of forest product such as essential oils, drugs or paper manufacture.