AS/NZS 2566.1 Supp 1:1998 (R2016)
Buried flexible pipelines – Structural design – Commentary (Supplement to AS/NZS 2566.1:1998)
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
AS | 1998-01-05 | 45 |
Gives helpful background information to AS/NZS 2566.1 and emphasizes the need for field compaction of the embedment material to be consistent with assumptions on which the equations are based. Appendix B gives worked examples which illustrate the application of AS/NZS 2566.1 for the selection of an appropriate pipe material and class of pipe.
For pipelines subject to a very light load, it may not be necessary for the structural design to comply with
AS/NZS 2566.1. This condition may be especially relevant to pipes with outside diameters of less than
250 mm.
The minimum long-term ring-bending stiffness specified in AS/NZS 2566.1 (see Paragraph C2.2) can be compared with the value of 375 N/m/m given in Ref. 1.