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FEMA P 2012AssessingSeismicPerformanceIrregularities 2018


FEMA P-2012, Assessing Seismic Performance Irregularities

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FEMA 2018 366
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PDF Pages PDF Title
1 FEMA P-2012
3 Assessing Seismic Performance of Buildings with Configuration Irregularities: Calibrating Current Standards and Practices
5 Foreword
7 Preface
9 Table of Contents
15 List of Figures
27 List of Tables
31 Ch1: Introduction
1.1 Background
32 1.2 Overview of Irregularities Considered
33 1.3 Target Audience
1.4 Content and Organization
35 Ch2: Overview of Irregularities
36 2.1 Literature Search
37 2.1.1 Observed Performance of Irregular Buildings Earthquake-Related Fatalities Causes of Structural Collapse
Recent U.S. Earthquakes
41 1995 Kobe Earthquake
45 2010 Maule Earthquake
46 2.1.2 Treatment of Configuration Irregularities in Codes and Standards U.S. Codes and Standards
48 International Codes
49 2.1.3 Published Research on Irregularities
53 2.2 Performance Concerns for Irregularities and Corresponding Code Requirements
59 2.3 Treatment of Irregularities in this Report
61 Ch3: Archetype Design, Modeling, and Analysis Approach
3.1 Scope of Analytical Studies
64 3.2 Archetype Configurations and Designs
65 3.2.1 Steel Moment Frame Archetypes
68 3.2.2 Reinforced Concrete Moment Frame Archetypes
70 3.2.3 Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall Archetypes
72 3.3 Structural Modeling of Archetype Buildings
73 3.3.1 Steel Moment Frame Archetypes System Modeling
74 Modeling of Beam and Column Components
76 Modeling of Joint Panel Zones
77 3.3.2 Reinforced Concrete Moment Frame Archetypes System Modeling Modeling of Beam and Column Components
79 Modeling of Joint Panel Zones
80 3.3.3 Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall Archetypes System Modeling
81 Modeling of Walls using Fiber Elements
82 Material Constitutive Models for Concrete and Rebar
83 3.4 Archetype Analysis Methods
84 3.4.1 Overview of FEMA P695 Analysis Methods
85 3.4.2 Selection of Ground Motions
86 3.4.3 Incremental Dynamic Analysis
88 3.4.4 Evaluation of MCER Collapse Performance
89 3.4.5 Collapse Evaluation Using Absolute and Relative Measures of Collapse Risk
90 3.4.6 Tracking of Non-Collapse Archetype Response Parameters
93 Ch4: Buildings with Torsional Irregularities [H1, H6]
4.1 Overview
4.2 Objectives of Studies and Summary of Findings
94 4.2.1 Objective 1: Evaluate ASCE/SEI 7-16 Torsion Design Provisions
4.2.2 Objective 2: Propose Modifications to the ASCE/SEI 7-16 Seismic Torsion Provisions
4.2.3 Summary of Findings
95 4.3 Methodology to Assess Torsion Design Provisions
97 4.4 Archetype Design Space
4.4.1 Plan Configurations
100 4.4.2 Baseline Archetypes
102 4.4.3 Proportioning the Lateral System for Seismic Design
103 Method 1: Decoupled strength and stiffness
Method 2: Coupled strength and stiffness
4.5 Results
4.5.1 Collapse Performance under Current Code Requirements
106 4.5.2 Observations about Torsion Design Requirements
107 4.5.3 Recommended Minimum Requirements
113 4.6 Conclusions and Recommendations
115 Ch5: Concrete Wall Buildings with Vertical Irregularities [V1, V8]
5.1 Overview and Summary of Findings
116 5.2 Design Procedures and Common Irregularities
118 5.3 Overview of Archetype Designs
121 5.4 Modeling RC Wall Response
5.4.1 Methodology Validation and Comparison Studies
122 5.4.2 Non-Simulated Failure Modes
125 5.5 Assessment of Collapse Risk
5.5.1 Overview
126 5.5.2 Results
131 5.6 Conclusions and Recommendations
133 Ch6: Moment Frame Buildings with Vertical Irregularities [V1, V2, V5, V6, V7]
6.1 Overview
134 6.2 Objectives of Studies and Summary of Findings
6.2.1 Objective 1: Assess the Adequacy of ASCE/SEI 7-16 Vertical Irregularity Provisions
6.2.2 Objective 2: Assess the Necessity for Expanding the ASCE/SEI 7-16 Vertical Irregularity Provisions
135 6.2.3 Summary of Findings
6.3 Methodology to Assess Vertical Irregularity Design Provisions
136 6.4 Archetype Design Space by System
6.5 Studies of Weight (Mass) Irregularity [V2]
137 6.5.1 Archetype Descriptions
6.5.2 Results
139 6.5.3 Conclusion and Recommendations
140 6.6 Studies of Soft- and Weak-Story Irregularities [V1/V5]
6.6.1 Archetype Descriptions
142 6.6.2 Results
144 6.6.3 Conclusion and Recommendations
6.7 Studies of Strong-Column/Weak-Beam Design Provisions [V6]
145 6.7.1 Archetype Descriptions
146 6.7.2 Results
149 6.7.3 Conclusion and Recommendations
6.8 Studies of Gravity-Induced Lateral Demands [V7]
6.8.1 Previous Studies
150 6.8.2 Archetype Descriptions
6.8.3 Results
152 6.8.4 Limitations of the GILD Studies
153 6.9 Overview of Conclusions and Recommendations
154 6.9.1 Weight (Mass) Irregularity [V2]
6.9.2 Soft/Weak Story Irregularity [V1/V5]
155 6.9.3 Strong-Column/Weak-Beam [V6]
6.9.4 Gravity-Induced Lateral Demand [V7]
157 Ch7: Discussion of Other Irregularities [H2, H3, H4, H5, V3, V4, V8]
7.1 Reentrant Corner [H2] Irregularity
161 7.2 Diaphragm Discontinuity [H3] Irregularity
163 7.3 Out-of-Plane Offset [H4] and In-Plane Discontinuity [V4] Irregularities
164 7.3.1 Impact of Out-Of-Plane and In-Plane Discontinuities in RC Wall Buildings
166 7.4 Nonparallel System [H5] Irregularity
167 7.5 Vertical Geometric [V3] Irregularity
7.6 Wall Discontinuity [V8] Irregularity
168 7.6.1 Discontinuities Associated with Initiation or Termination of Stacked Openings in Walls
169 7.6.2 Discontinuities Associated with Increased Wall Area to Capture Forces Introduced by New Structural Elements
171 Ch8: Recommended Improvements
8.1 Codes and Standards
8.1.1 NEHRP Recommended Provisions and ASCE/SEI 7-16
Revised Triggers and Prohibitions
172 Revised Modeling Requirements
174 Revised Design Requirements
175 Improved Commentary and Other Clarifications
176 8.1.2 ASCE/SEI 41-17
8.2 Future Studies and Development
8.2.1 Explicit Collapse Assessment Improvements
177 8.2.2 Design Sensitivity Studies
178 8.2.3 Strong-Column/Weak-Beam Requirements
8.2.4 More Detailed Considerations
181 AppA: Torsion Studies
A.1 Development and Validation of Simplified 3D Models
A.1.1 Nonlinear Backbones for Modeling the Seismic-Force-Resisting System
184 A.1.2 Scaling of Nonlinear Backbones
185 A.1.3 3D Modeling Approach
A.1.4 Validation of Single-Story 3D Models
187 A.2 Torsional Strength Irregularity
188 A.3 Importance of Checking Drift and Stability Requirements at the Building’s Edge for Torsionally Irregular Buildings
189 A.4 Rationale for Triggering Type 1a Torsional Irregularity When >75% of Strength is on One Side of the CM
191 A.5 Application of 5% Mass Offsets to Simulate Accidental Torsion with Modal Response Spectrum Analysis
193 A.6 Explanation of Why Some Trends in the Results Plots Double Back on Themselves
195 AppB: Concrete Wall Studies
B.1 Past Investigations of Concrete Walls with Irregularities
B.1.1 Damage of Concrete Walls with Irregularities in Past Earthquakes
200 B.1.2 Quantification of Vertical Discontinuities in Concrete Walls Using Field Data
202 B.1.3 Laboratory Test Results for Concrete Walls with Vertical Irregularities
204 B.2 Investigation of Vertical Irregularity Using Nonlinear Continuum Analysis
206 B.3 RC Wall Building Design Process
207 B.3.1 Building Prototype
209 B.3.2 Wall Design
210 B.3.3 Design of Wall Panel Zone
211 B.3.4 Design of Coupling Beams
212 B.3.5 RC Wall Building Design Summaries
216 B.4 Modeling Wall Response
218 B.4.2 OpenSees
222 B.5 Preliminary Analyses to Investigate Modeling Assumptions and Identify a Preferred Modeling Approach
223 B.5.1 Modeling Assumptions Employed for OpenSees and ATENA Analyses
224 B.5.2 Pushover Analyses to Compare OpenSees and ATENA Models
226 B.5.3 Dynamic Analyses to Compare OpenSees Displacement-Based and Force-Based Beam-Column Element Models
227 B.5.4 Dynamic Analyses to Compare Models Comprising OpenSees Displacement-Based Beam-Column Elements and SFI-MVLEM
231 B.5.5 Identification of a Preferred Modeling Approach for Assessing the Impact of Vertical Irregularities on the Collapse Risk Posed by RC Wall Buildings
232 B.6 Analysis Results
247 AppC: Steel Moment Frame Studies
C.1 Steel Moment Frame Baseline Designs
249 C.1.1 Low Seismicity Zone (SDC Bmax) – Steel Ordinary Moment Frame Design
251 C.1.1.1 3-Story OMF Building
253 C.1.1.2 9-Story OMF Building
256 C.1.1.3 20-Story OMF Building
258 C.1.2 High Seismicity Zone (SDC Dmax) – Steel Special Moment Frame Design
261 C.1.2.1 3-Story SMF Building
262 C.1.2.2 9-Story SMF Building
265 C.1.2.3 20-Story SMF Building
271 C.2 Summary of Steel Moment Frame Results
279 AppD: Concrete Moment Frame Studies
D.1 Concrete Moment Frame Baseline Designs
280 D.1.1 Low Seismicity Zone (SDC Bmax) – RC Ordinary Moment Frame Design
D.1.1.1 4-Story OMF Building
282 D.1.1.2 8-Story OMF Building
D.1.1.3 12-Story OMF Building
285 D.1.2 High Seismicity Zone (SDC Dmax) – RC Special Moment Frame Design
D.1.2.1 4-Story SMF
287 D.1.2.2 8-Story SMF
289 D.1.2.3 12-Story SMF
292 D.1.2.4 20-Story SMF
296 D.2 Summary of Reinforced Concrete Moment Frame Results
301 AppE: Results of Quality Control Review
E.1 Overview of Quality Control Review
E.2 Results from Quality Control Review
E.2.1 Torsional Studies
302 E.2.2 Concrete Shear Wall Studies
303 E.2.3 Steel Moment Frame Studies
304 E.2.4 Concrete Moment Frame Studies
307 AppF: Global Behavior of Buildings with Mass Irregularity [V2]
F.1 Background
308 F.2 Expanded Design Space and Assessment Method
F.2.1 Expanded Design Space
313 F.2.2 Assessment Method for Global Behavior
F.3 Findings
315 F.4 Recommendations
327 AppG: Story Stiffness and Strength Calculation
328 G.1 Background
329 G.2 Calculation of Story Stiffness
G.2.1 Simple Hand Calculations and Their Limitations
332 G.2.2 SEAOC Story Drift Ratio Method
333 G.2.3 Apparent Story Stiffness Method
334 G.3 Calculation of Story Strength
335 G.4 Recommendations
G.4.1 Calculation of Story Stiffness
G.4.2 Calculation of Story Strength
337 AppH: Steel Systems Not Specifically Detailed for Seismic Resistance
H.1 Background
338 H.2 Configuration
H.3 Proportioning
H.3.1 Strong-Column/Weak-Beam Requirement
H.3.2 Panel Zone Proportioning
339 H.3.3 Connection Design Philosophy
H.4 Member Local Buckling and Lateral Bracing Requirements
340 H.5 Less Stringent Material Specifications and Inspection Requirements
341 Symbols
345 Glossary
347 References
361 Project Participants
FEMA Oversight
ATC Management and Oversight
Project Technical Committee
Project Review Panel
362 Working Group
363 Workshop Participants
366 Catalog No. 18166-1
FEMA P 2012AssessingSeismicPerformanceIrregularities 2018