25.140.99 – Other hand-held tools – PDF Standards Store ?u= Tue, 05 Nov 2024 17:22:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 ?u=/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/cropped-icon-150x150.png 25.140.99 – Other hand-held tools – PDF Standards Store ?u= 32 32 DIN EN ISO 28927-13:2022 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/din/din-en-iso-28927-13/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 17:22:49 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/din-en-iso-28927-13/ Hand-held portable power tools - Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission - Part 13: Fastener driving tools
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
DIN 2022-07 31
This document specifies a laboratory method for measuring the vibration at the handle of fastener driving tools. It is a type test procedure for establishing the vibration value on the handle of a hand-held power tool operating under a specified load. This document is applicable to fastener driving tools driven pneumatically or by other means, using nails, staples or pins. This document is applicable to tools with single sequential actuation, contact actuation, contact actuation with automatic reversion or continual contact actuation. This document is not applicable to tools operating in full sequential mode due to their much longer intervals in between individual actuations. However, to provide an indication for comparison of different tools of this type, Annex C provides informative guidance.

DIN EN ISO 19432-1:2020 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/din/din-en-iso-19432-1/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 17:12:17 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/din-en-iso-19432-1/ Baumaschinen und -ausrüstungen - Tragbare, handgeführte Trennschleifmaschinen mit Verbrennungsmotor - Teil 1: Sicherheitsanforderungen für Trennschleifmaschinen mit rotierender an der Antriebsachse montierter Trennschleifscheibe
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
DIN 2020-09 70
Dieses Dokument legt Sicherheitsanforderungen und Maßnahmen für die Prüfung der konstruktiven Gestaltung und des konstruktiven Aufbaus von tragbaren, handgeführten Trennschleifmaschinen mit eingebautem Verbrennungsmotor für den Einmannbetrieb fest, die zum Schneiden von Baumaterialien, wie z. B. Asphalt, Beton, Stein und Metall, bestimmt sind. Es gilt nur für solche Trennschleifmaschinen, die bestimmungsgemäß für den Einsatz mit einer rotierenden Trennschleifscheibe mit einem maximalen Außendurchmesser von 430 mm und mit Trennschleifkörpern aus gebundenen Schleifmitteln und/oder Schleifwerkzeugen (zum Beispiel mit Diamantschleifmitteln) vorgesehen sind, die mittig auf einer Spindelwelle montiert sind und von dieser angetrieben werden, wobei sich die Stirnseite der Trennschleifscheibe in einer vom Bediener abgewandten Richtung dreht. Dieses Dokument behandelt alle signifikanten Gefährdungen, Gefährdungssituationen oder Gefährdungsereignisse, die auf diese Maschinen zutreffen, wenn sie bestimmungsgemäß und unter den vernünftigerweise vom Hersteller vorhersehbaren Bedingungen des Missbrauchs verwendet werden. Dieses Dokument legt Verfahren für die Beseitigung oder Verminderung von Gefährdungen, die sich aus deren Anwendung ergeben, sowie die Art von Informationen über sichere Arbeitspraktiken fest, die mit der Maschine bereitzustellen sind. Spezifikationen für Trennschleifscheiben werden in diesem Dokument nicht behandelt. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass Trennschleifscheiben die geltenden Normen für Trennschleifscheiben erfüllen.*Inhaltsverzeichnis

DIN EN 15895:2018 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/din/din-en-15895/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 15:56:34 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/din-en-15895/ Kartuschenbetriebene handgehaltene Werkzeuge - Sicherheit - Befestigungs- und Markierwerkzeuge
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
DIN 2018-08 52
Diese Europäische Norm enthält Sicherheitsanforderungen für kartuschenbetriebene Befestigungs- und Markierwerkzeuge, die mit einem Zwischenglied (Kolben) funktionieren. Gegenüber EN 15895:2011 wurden folgende Änderungen vorgenommen: a) Anpassung an EN ISO 12100:2010; b) Anforderung an Aufbewahrungskoffer im Abschnitt 5.2 angepasst; c) Anforderungen an wichtige Abmessungen aufgenommen (5.3.4); d) Anforderungen an die Oberflächentemperaturen aufgenommen (5.4.3); e) Anforderungen an die Rückhaltung des Kolbens angepasst (5.6); f) Prüfung der wichtigen Abmessungen eingefügt (6.3.3); g) Änderung der Temperaturprüfung (6.5); h) Prüfung der sicheren Kolbenrückhaltung angepasst (6.6); i) grundlegende sicherheitsrelevante Abmessungen als Anhang F eingefügt; j) redaktionelle Änderungen.*Inhaltsverzeichnis

DIN EN 12549:2008 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/din/din-en-12549/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 15:29:19 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/din-en-12549/ Acoustics - Noise test code for fastener driving tools - Engineering method
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
DIN 2008-12 19
The document describes methods for the determination and presentation of the noise emission quantities of fastener driving tools. These quantities are the A-weighted single-event sound power level, the A-weighted single-event emission sound pressure level at the work station and, if required, the C-weighted peak emission sound pressure level. The document prescribes requirements for the measurement of the radiated airborne noise, for the determination of the noise emission quantities under defined operating conditions and for the declaration and verification of the noise emission values.

CSA 2.29:21:2021 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/csa/csa-2-2921/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 14:44:20 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/csa-2-2921/ Hand-held torches for fuel gases
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
CSA 2021 35

This is the second edition of CSA 2.29, Hand-held torches for fuel gas. It supersedes the previous edition published in 1997.

The major changes to this edition include the following:

a) removal of the mercurous nitrate immersion test;

b) addition of the salt spray and ammonia vapour test; and

c) updated formatting throughout the Standard.

This Standard has been developed in compliance with Standards Council of Canada requirements for National Standards of Canada. It has been published as a National Standard of Canada by CSA Group.



This Standard applies to newly-produced torches for use with propane, butane, natural gas, and MPS (methyl acetylene-propadiene stabilized). This Standard applies to torches that aspirate atmospheric air for combustion.


This Standard applies to hand-held torches intended for industrial applications such as brazing, soldering, pre-heating for welding, heat treatment, and general applications such as grass burning, paint removal, and the eradication of weeds and insects.


Torches covered by these requirements are intended

a) for direct connection to

i) specification TC-2P and TC-2Q non-refillable containers, meeting the requirements of CAN/CGSB-43.123, and the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations; or

ii) specification TC-39 non-refillable containers, meeting the requirements of CSA B339, and the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations;

b) for direct connection to refillable containers meeting the requirements of CSA B339 and the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations;

c) to incorporate an integral, refillable, or non-refillable cylinder that meets the requirements of Items a) or b); or

d) for hose connection to the fuel gas supply, with or without a regulator.

Note: Provided that a torch meets the requirements of this Standard, there is no maximum or minimum rate of firing and except as noted in Clause 4.7.1, there is no capacity limitation on the fuel container.


Torches covered by this Standard are intended to be used in accordance with the

a) applicable provisions of CSA B149.1;

b) requirements of the authority having jurisdiction; or

c) applicable provisions of CSA B149.1 and requirements of the authority having jurisdiction.


This Standard applies to torches constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials.


In this Standard, shall is used to express a requirement, i.e., a provision that the user is obliged to satisfy in order to comply with the Standard; should is used to express a recommendation or that which is advised but not required; and may is used to express an option or that which is permissible within the limits of the Standard.

Notes accompanying clauses do not include requirements or alternative requirements; the purpose of a note accompanying a clause is to separate from the text explanatory or informative material.

Notes to tables and figures are considered part of the table or figure and may be written as requirements.

Annexes are designated normative (mandatory) or informative (non-mandatory) to define their application.


The values given in SI units are the units of record for the purposes of this Standard. The values given in parentheses are for information and comparison only.

CAN/CSA-E335-2-54-94:1994 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/csa/can-csa-e335-2-54-94/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 14:21:39 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/can-csa-e335-2-54-94/ Sécurité des appareils électrodomestiques et analogues - Partie 2: Règles particulières pour les appareils de nettoyage à usage général
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
CSA 1994 34
Domaine dapplication

Larticle de la première partie est applicable avec les exceptions suivantes:

1.1 Remplacement:
La présente norme sapplique aux appareils de nettoyage à usage général pour utilisation domestique dont une partie est tenue à la main pendant le fonctionnement. Ces appareils sont destinés à nettoyer des surfaces telles que des fenêtres, des murs, des plafonds et des parois de piscines vides.

Le nettoyage peut être obtenu par lutilisation de brosses ou éléments analogues et de liquides de nettoyage avec ou sans additifs chimiques.

Des moyens peuvent être prévus pour chauffer et mettre le liquide de nettoyage sous pression.

La présente norme ne tient pas compte des dangers spéciaux existant dans les garderies denfants et autres locaux où de jeunes enfants ou des personnes âgées ou infirmes sont laissés sans surveillance; dans de tels cas des prescriptions supplémentaires peuvent être nécessaires.

La présente norme ne sapplique pas:

– aux appareils de nettoyage qui sont fixés en permanence à un bâtiment;
– aux appareils de nettoyage fonctionnant sous une pression dépassant 2,5 MPa (25 bar) ou sous une température de liquide dépassant 80°C;
– aux appareils de nettoyage pour usage commercial ou industriel.

Pour les appareils destinés à être utilisés dans les véhicules ou à bord des navires ou des avions, des règles supplémentaires peuvent être nécessaires.

Pour les appareils destinés à être utilisés dans les pays tropicaux, des règles spéciales peuvent être nécessaires.

Lattention est attirée sur le fait que dans de nombreux pays des prescriptions supplémentaires sont imposées par les organismes nationaux de la santé publique et les organismes nationaux responsables de la protection des travailleurs.

CAN/CSA-E335-2-45-94:1994 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/csa/can-csa-e335-2-45-94/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 14:21:34 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/can-csa-e335-2-45-94/ Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances - Part 2: Particular Requirements for Portable Electric Heating Tools and Similar Appliances
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
CSA 1994 57

This clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows:

1.1 Replacement:

This standard applies to portable electric heating tools and s imilar appliances, with or without motors.

Portable electric heating tools and similar appliances, hereinafter referred to as tools, which can be mounted on a support for use as fixed tools without any alteration of the tool itself, are within the scope of this standard.

Tools not intended for normal household use, but which nevertheless may be a source of danger to the public, such as tools intended to be used by laymen in shops, in light industry and on farms, are also within the scope of this standard.

Examples of tools that are within the scope of this standard are:

  • soldering irons;
  • desoldering irons;
  • soldering guns;
  • conduit-soldering tools;
  • thermoplastic conduit-welding tools;
  • plastic-welding tools;
  • film-welding tools;
  • household film-welding appliances;
  • plastic-cutting tools;
  • branding tools;
  • burning-in pens;
  • stripping pliers;
  • glue guns;
  • dehorning tools.

This standard does not take into account the special hazards which exist in nurseries and other places where there are young children or aged or infirm persons without supervision; in such c ases, additional requirements may be necessary.

This standard does not apply to:

  • tools for high-frequency heating;
  • arc welding and carbon-arc brazing equipment;
  • tools intended to be used in explosive atmospheres.

For tools intended to be used in vehicles or on board ships or aircraft, additional requirements may be necessary.

For tools intended to be used in tropical countries, special requirements may be necessary.

Attention is drawn to the fact that in many countries additional requirements are specified by the national health authorities and the national authorities responsible for the protection of labour. /

CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 1010.2.032-96 (R2000):1996 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/csa/can-csa-c22-2-no-1010-2-032-96-r2000/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 14:16:02 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/can-csa-c22-2-no-1010-2-032-96-r2000/ Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and Laboratory Use - Part 2-032: Particular Requirements for Hand-Held Current Clamps for Electrical Measurement and Test
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
CSA 1996 36

This clause of part 1 is applicable, except as follows:

Replace the text by the following:

This International Standard applies to hand-held and hand- manipulated CURRENT CLAMPS. These CURRENT CLAMPS are for use in the measurement of current without interruption of the current path of the circuit in which it is measured. They may be stand- alone CURRENT CLAMPS which are themselves within the scope of part 1, or accessories to other equipment within the scope of part 1.

This standard does not apply to current transformers or current transducers intended for fixed installations.

Environmental conditions

Replace the seventh dash by the following:

– primary input circuits with transient overvoltages according to INSTALLATION CATEGORIES (OVERVOLTAGE CATEGORIES) I, II, III and IV (see annex J). /

AS/NZS 1873.4:2003 ?u=/product/publishers/as/as-nzs-1873-42003/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 13:24:14 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/as-nzs-1873-42003/ Powder-actuated (PA) hand-held fastening tools - Fasteners
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AS 2003-03-05 16
Sets out requirements for fasteners intended for use with powder-actuated (PA) hand-held fastening tools complying with AS/NZS 1873.2.


This Standard sets out requirements for fasteners for use with powder-actuated hand-held fastening tools complying with AS/NZS 1873.2.

AS/NZS 1873.1:2003 ?u=/product/publishers/as/as-nzs-1873-12003/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 13:24:13 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/as-nzs-1873-12003/ Powder-actuated (PA) hand-held fastening tools - Selection, operation and maintenance
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AS 2003-03-05 20
Provides guidance on the selection, operation and maintenance of powder-actuated (PA) hand-held fastening tools.


This Standard provides guidance on the selection, safe operation and maintenance of powder-actuated hand-held fixing tools.
