AA 49:1984
Code Words for Underground Distribution Cables
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
AA | 1984 | 38 |
This booklet lists Code Words for primary (5, 15 and 25kV) and secondary (600 volt) underground distribution (UD) cables, and identifies their constructions.
It has been the practice for many years to employ code words for bare, covered (weatherproof), and low voltage secondary and neutral supported service drop insulated cables used in overhead systems. (Refer to The Aluminum Association publication "Code Words for Aluminum Conductors".) With the rapid expansion in the use of UD cables in the last decade and the proliferation in the sizes, types and constructions available, the advantages of establishing code words for these products was apparant. Consequently, manufacturers have assigned code words to UD cables as a convenient means of concisely defining specific cable designs (conductor size, insulation type, voltage rating, neutral configuration and size, number of phase conductors and type of assembly). The use of code words in catalogs, orders, invoices and other production and sales records not only provides a brief identification for UD cables but also minimizes the chance for errors in transcribing the longer, detailed description for each cable.
Learning from the experience gained in standardizing the code word system for overhead products, the same basic principles were employed in the assignment of code words for UD cables accepted by and registered with the Electrical Technical Committee of The Aluminum Association.
This booklet lists UD cable code words and identifies their constructions, includes the details of the code word system and outlines the procedure for registering new code words. Preceeding the tables identifying the UD cable constructions is a list of characteristics that are implied by the code word itself without any suffix. This is followed by a list of the suffixes to be used with the code words for designating variations in those characteristics. Selected examples show how the system works.
Following the tables is an alphabetical listing of all UD cable code words with references to the pages where the cable data may be found.
The booklet concludes with a list of standards and specifications relating to UD cables which are endorsed by The Aluminum Association.
All Aluminum Association published standards, data, specifications and other material are reviewed at least every five years and revised, reaffirmed or withdrawn. Users are advised to contact the Aluminum Association to ascertain whether the information in this publication has been superceded in the interim between publication and proposed use.