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BS EN 15512:2020:2021 Edition


Steel static storage systems. Adjustable pallet racking systems. Principles for structural design

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BSI 2021 188
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This document specifies the structural design requirements applicable to all types of adjustable beam pallet rack systems fabricated from steel members intended for the storage of unit loads and subject to predominantly static loads. Both un-braced and braced systems are included.

This document gives guidelines for the design of clad rack buildings where requirements are not covered in the EN 1993 series. The requirements of this document also apply to ancillary structures, where rack components are employed as the main structural members.

This document does not cover other generic types of storage structures. Specifically, this document does not apply to mobile storage systems, drive-in, drive-through, pallet live storage, push back, shuttle systems, systems where two or more cranes operates one above another in the same aisle and cantilever racks or static steel shelving systems.

For the specific design of adjustable pallet racking for use in seismic areas, this document is to be used in combination with EN 16681.

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2 undefined
13 0 Introduction
0.1 Racking
0.2 Requirement for EN Standards for racking in addition to the Eurocodes
0.3 Liaison
0.4 Racking and Work Equipment regulations
0.5 Additional information specific to EN 15512
15 1 Scope
2 Normative references
16 3 Terms and definitions
21 4 Symbols
24 5 Assumptions and conventions
5.1 General
5.2 Verticality
5.3 Conventions for member axis
6 Basis of design
6.1 Requirements
6.1.1 Basic requirements
6.1.2 Design working life
25 6.1.3 Requirements for pallet racking
6.2 Principles of limit state design
6.2.1 General
6.2.2 Ultimate limit state
6.2.3 Serviceability limit state
6.3 Actions
6.3.1 General
6.3.2 Permanent actions General
26 Weights of materials and construction
6.3.3 Variable actions Unit loads to be stored
27 Unit load placement tolerance in the cross-aisle direction
28 Vertical placement loads Horizontal placement loads
29 Backstop load
30 Effects of rack-guided equipment
31 Floor and walkway loads
32 Handrail loads Actions arising from installation and maintenance Wind loads
33 Snow loads
6.3.4 Accidental actions General Seismic actions Accidental upward actions Accidental horizontal load
34 6.4 Combination of actions
6.4.1 General
6.4.2 Ultimate limit state
35 6.4.3 Serviceability limit states
6.5 Partial factors
6.5.1 Load factors
36 6.5.2 Material factors
37 7 Materials
7.1 Steel
7.1.1 General
7.1.2 Material properties General Design values of material coefficients (general mechanical properties)
38 7.1.3 Steels with no guaranteed mechanical properties General Additional tests on steel
7.1.4 Untested steels
7.1.5 Average yield strength of sections
7.1.6 Special selection of production material
39 7.1.7 Fracture toughness
7.1.8 Dimensional tolerances General Tolerances on thickness
40 Twist
7.2 Floor materials
7.2.1 Concrete floors
7.2.2 Bituminous floors
7.2.3 Other floor materials
8 Durability
41 9 Structural analysis
9.1 Structural modelling for analysis
9.1.1 Structural modelling for analysis and basic assumption
9.1.2 Joint modelling General Moment-rotation characteristics of beam end connectors Moment-rotation characteristics of the connection to the floor
42 Bracing eccentricities
44 Beam to upright eccentricities
9.1.3 Ground-structure interaction General Floor slab parameters
45 Slab deformation limits bolted frames
46 Slab deformation limits welded frames Inclusion of floor deformations in the analysis
47 9.1.4 Racks braced against the building structure
9.2 Global analysis
9.2.1 Effects of deformed geometry of the structure
48 9.2.2 Method of analysis General Method of analysis 0 – Approximate
49 Method of analysis 1 – Linear Finite Element Analysis Method of analysis 2 – 2nd order Finite Element Analysis
9.2.3 Structural stability of frames General
50 Un-braced racking systems
52 Braced racking systems
54 Upright frames
55 Stability against overturning Stability during installation
9.3 Imperfections
9.3.1 General
9.3.2 Global imperfections General
57 Sway imperfections in partially braced racks in the down-aisle direction
9.3.3 Local bracing imperfections
58 9.3.4 Member imperfections
59 10 Ultimate limit states
10.1 Resistance of cross-sections and members
10.1.1 General
10.1.2 Section properties General Stiffness Strength
60 10.1.3 Compression members General Effect of cross-section distortion
61 Effect of local buckling
62 10.1.4 Bending members General Resistance of members not subject to lateral-torsional buckling
10.1.5 Tension members
64 10.2 Design of beams
10.2.1 General
10.2.2 Effects of interaction between unit load and beam Determination of bending moment Consideration of web crippling
65 Special cases
10.2.3 Correction for looseness
10.2.4 Plastic design resistance
10.2.5 Buckling length of beams in braced pallet racks
66 10.2.6 Beams subject to bending and torsion
67 10.2.7 Beams affected by distortion
10.3 Design of uprights
10.3.1 General
10.3.2 Buckling curves
68 10.3.3 Flexural buckling length
71 10.3.4 Torsional buckling length
73 10.4 Design of frame bracing
10.4.1 General
10.4.2 Robustness
74 10.4.3 Buckling length of frame bracing
75 10.5 Design of run spacers
76 11 Serviceability limit states
11.1 General
11.2 Beams
11.3 Beams in walkways or rack supported floors
12 Design of joints
12.1 General
12.2 Design of beam end connectors
12.2.1 Design resistance of moment and shear
12.2.2 Combination of moment and shear
12.2.3 Reversed moment
77 12.3 Design of beam connector locks
12.4 Design of splices
12.5 Design of base plates
12.5.1 General
78 12.5.2 Compression
79 12.5.3 Tension
12.6 Design of anchorages
12.6.1 General
12.6.2 Robustness
13 Design assisted by testing
13.1 General
80 13.2 Requirements for tests
13.2.1 Equipment
13.2.2 Support conditions
13.2.3 Application of the load
81 13.2.4 Increments of the test load
13.2.5 Test materials
13.2.6 Assembly of test specimens
13.2.7 Test reports
82 13.3 Interpretation of test results
13.3.1 Definition of failure load
13.3.2 Adjustment of test results General Correction factor C
84 Adjustment of failure loads or moments
13.3.3 Derivation of characteristic values
85 13.3.4 Characteristic values for a family of tests
86 13.3.5 Interpolation between test results
14 Marking and labelling – Identification of performance of rack installations
87 Annex A (normative)Testing
A.1 Materials tests
A.1.1 Tensile tests
A.1.1.1 General
A.1.1.2 Tensile test from beam end connector
A.1.2 Bend tests
88 A.2 Tests on components
A.2.1 Stub column compression test
A.2.1.1 Purpose of the test
A.2.1.2 Test arrangement and method
89 A.2.1.3 Corrections to the observations
90 A.2.1.4 Derivation of the results
A.2.2 Compression tests on uprights – Checks for the effects of distortional buckling
A.2.2.1 Purpose of the test
91 A.2.2.2 Test arrangement and method
A.2.2.3 Corrections to the observations
A.2.2.4 Derivation of the test results
93 A.2.3 Compression tests on uprights – Determination of buckling curves
A.2.3.1 Purpose of the test
A.2.3.2 Test arrangement
95 A.2.3.3 Test method
A.2.3.4 Corrections to the observations
A.2.3.5 Derivation of the column curve
97 A.2.4 Frame shear stiffness tests
A.2.4.1 Purpose of the tests
A.2.4.2 Method A, loading the frame in the longitudinal direction
100 A.2.4.3 Alternative method B using a cross-aisle reversible shear load on a frame
103 A.2.5 Bending tests on upright sections
A.2.5.1 Purpose of the test
A.2.5.2 Test arrangement
105 A.2.5.3 Test method
A.2.5.4 Corrections to the observations
A.2.5.5 Derivation of results
A.2.6 Bending tests on beams
A.2.6.1 Purpose of the test
A.2.6.2 Test arrangement
107 A.2.6.3 Test method
A.2.6.4 Corrections to the observations
A.2.6.5 Derivation of the results
108 A.3 Tests on connections
A.3.1 Bending tests on beam end connectors
A.3.1.1 Purpose of the test
A.3.1.2 Test arrangements
110 A.3.1.3 Test procedure
A.3.1.4 Corrections to the observations
111 A.3.1.5 Derivation of the results and procedure to define curves
114 A.3.2 Looseness tests on beam end connectors
A.3.2.1 Purpose of the test
A.3.2.2 Alternative ‘A’ Test arrangement using a double acting jack
115 A.3.2.3 Alternative ‘B’ using two cantilever beams and a central upright
117 A.3.3 Shear tests on beam end connectors and connector locks
A.3.3.1 Purpose of the test
A.3.3.2 Test arrangement
119 A.3.3.3 Test method
A.3.3.4 Corrections to the observations
A.3.3.5 Derivation of results
A.3.4 Moment-shear interaction test of beam end connectors
A.3.4.1 Purpose of the test
A.3.4.2 Test arrangement
A.3.4.3 Test procedure
A.3.4.4 Corrections to the observations
A.3.4.5 Derivation of the bending and shear resistance
120 A.3.4.6 Derivation of the moment-shear interaction curve
A.3.4.7 Generalized moment-shear relationship
A.3.5 Floor connections test
A.3.5.1 Purpose of the test
121 A.3.5.2 Reuse of concrete blocks
A.3.5.3 Alternative ‘A’ using two lengths of upright with a central concrete block
124 A.3.5.4 Alternative ‘B’ using a single length of upright with an end concrete block
126 A.3.5.5 Corrections to the observations
A.3.5.6 Derivation of the Results
127 A.3.6 Upright splices test
A.3.6.1 Purpose of the test
A.3.6.2 Test arrangement
128 A.3.6.3 Test method
A.3.6.4 Corrections to observations
A.3.6.5 Derivation of results
129 Annex B (informative)Approximate method
B.1 General
B.2 Approximate down-aisle stability analysis – Amplified sway method
B.2.1 General
131 B.2.2 Amplification factor
B.2.3 Linear elastic analysis
B.2.4 Elastic critical value
B.3 Approximate down-aisle analysis of a regular storage rack
B.3.1 Approximate equation for regular construction
134 B.3.2 Additional bending moments due to pattern loading
B.3.3 Design Moments
136 B.3.4 Design loads in outer columns
B.4 Approximate cross-aisle stability analysis
B.4.1 General
B.4.2 Global buckling of upright frames
137 B.4.3 Shear stiffness of upright frame
B.4.4 Amplification factor β
141 B.5 Approximate design for symmetrically loaded beams
B.5.1 Mid-span bending moment
142 B.5.2 Deflection
B.5.3 Shear force
143 B.5.4 Beam end connector
B.5.5 Equivalent beam loads
145 Annex C (informative)Correction of beam moments and deflection due to looseness
147 Annex D (informative)Frame looseness
D.1 General
D.2 Frame bracing types
148 D.3 Looseness
150 Annex E (normative)Resistance of compression member according to EN 199311 and −3
E.1 Cross-sectional verification
E.2 Design strength with respect to flexural buckling
E.2.1 General
151 E.2.2 Buckling curves
152 E.3 Design strength with respect to torsional and torsional-flexural buckling
154 E.4 Combined bending and axial loading
E.4.1 General
E.4.2 Bending and axial compression – resistance of cross-section
155 E.4.3 Bending and axial compression – buckling resistance of member
158 E.4.4 Bending and tension
159 Annex F (informative)Guidance to the determination of the critical length for the distortional buckling test
F.1 Introduction
F.2 Length in relation to the end conditions in the test set-up
160 F.3 Method for the determination of the critical distortional buckling length
F.3.1 Step 1
F.3.2 Step 2
162 F.3.3 Step 3
F.3.4 Step 4
F.3.5 Step 5
163 F.3.6 Step 6
164 Annex G (informative)Equivalent section properties
167 Annex H (informative)Guidance to modelling spine bracing in braced pallet racking
175 Annex I (informative)Cold-reduced steel
176 Annex J (informative)Systems with random storage
177 Annex K (informative)Position inaccuracies
178 Annex L (informative)Beam stability – comprising interlocking ‘C’ sections
L.1 General
L.2 Approximate limit values
180 Annex M (informative)Factory production control (FPC)
M.1 General
M.2 Frequency of tests
M.3 Bending tests on beam end connectors
M.4 Bend tests
181 Annex N (informative)A–deviations
N.1 Dutch national legislative deviations
N.2 Italian national legislative deviations
183 Annex O (informative)Bituminous floors
184 Annex P (informative)Typical loading pattern for a regular rack layout
BS EN 15512:2020