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BS EN 1993-1-1:2022:2023 Edition


Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures – General rules and rules for buildings

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1.1 Scope of FprEN 1993 1 1 (1) FprEN 1993 1 1 gives basic design rules for steel structures. (2) It also gives supplementary provisions for the structural design of steel buildings. These supplementary provisions are indicated by the letter “B” after the paragraph number, thus ( )B. 1.2 Assumptions (1) The assumptions of EN 1990 apply to FprEN 1993 1 1. (2) EN 1993 is intended to be used in conjunction with EN 1990, EN 1991 (all parts), the parts of EN 1992 to EN 1999 where steel structures or steel components are referred to within those documents, EN 1090 2, EN 1090 4 and ENs, EADs and ETAs for construction products relevant to steel structures.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
2 undefined
14 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions and symbols
3.1 Terms and definitions
16 3.2 Symbols and abbreviations
25 3.3 Symbols for member axes
28 4 Basis of design
4.1 General rules
4.1.1 Basic requirements
4.1.2 Structural reliability
4.1.3 Robustness
4.1.4 Design service life for buildings
4.1.5 Durability
29 4.2 Principles of limit state design
4.3 Basic variables
4.3.1 Actions and environmental influences
4.3.2 Material, geometrical and product properties
4.4 Verification by the partial factor method
4.4.1 Design values of actions
4.4.2 Design values of material properties
30 4.4.3 Design values of geometrical properties
4.4.4 Tolerances
31 4.4.5 Design resistances
4.5 Design assisted by testing
5 Materials
5.1 General
5.2 Structural steel
5.2.1 Material properties
33 5.2.2 Ductility requirements
34 5.2.3 Fracture toughness
5.2.4 Through-thickness properties
35 5.2.5 Values of other material properties
5.3 Connecting devices
5.4 Other prefabricated products in buildings
6 Durability
36 7 Structural analysis
7.1 Structural modelling for analysis
7.1.1 Basic assumptions
7.1.2 Joint modelling
7.2 Global analysis
7.2.1 Consideration of second order effects
39 7.2.2 Methods of analysis for ultimate limit state design checks
43 7.3 Imperfections
7.3.1 Basis
44 7.3.2 Sway imperfections for global analysis of frames
46 7.3.3 Equivalent bow imperfection for global and member analysis Flexural buckling
47 Lateral torsional buckling
48 7.3.4 Combination of sway and equivalent bow imperfections for global analysis of frames
7.3.5 Imperfections for analysis of bracing systems Horizontal bracing systems
50 Vertical bracings
51 7.3.6 Imperfection based on elastic critical buckling modes
53 7.4 Methods of analysis considering material non-linearities
7.4.1 General
7.4.2 Elastic global analysis
54 7.4.3 Plastic global analysis
55 7.5 Classification of cross-sections
7.5.1 Basis
7.5.2 Classification
56 7.6 Cross-section requirements for plastic global analysis
60 8 Ultimate limit states
8.1 Partial factors
8.2 Resistance of cross-sections
8.2.1 General
62 8.2.2 Section properties Gross cross-section Net area
63 Shear lag effects
64 Effective properties of cross-sections with Class 3 webs and Class 1 or 2 flanges Effective cross-section properties of Class 4 cross-sections
65 Section properties for the characteristic resistance
66 8.2.3 Tension
67 8.2.4 Compression
8.2.5 Bending
68 8.2.6 Shear
71 8.2.7 Torsion
72 8.2.8 Combined bending and shear
74 8.2.9 Combined bending and axial force Class 1 and Class 2 cross-sections
76 Class 3 cross-sections Class 4 cross-sections
77 8.2.10 Combined bending, shear and axial force
78 8.2.11 Resistance to transverse forces
80 8.3 Buckling resistance of members
8.3.1 Uniform members in compression Buckling resistance Slenderness of compression members
81 Buckling reduction factor for flexural buckling
84 Buckling reduction factors for torsional and torsional-flexural buckling
85 8.3.2 Uniform members in bending Lateral torsional buckling resistance
86 Slenderness for lateral torsional buckling curves Reduction factors χLT for lateral torsional buckling
89 Simplified method for lateral torsional buckling of beams based on buckling of the compression flange
91 8.3.3 Uniform members in bending and axial compression
96 8.3.4 General method for lateral and lateral torsional buckling of structural components
97 8.3.5 Lateral torsional buckling of members with plastic hinges in buildings General Restraints at rotated plastic hinges
99 Stable length of segment
8.4 Uniform built-up compression members
8.4.1 Assumptions and constructional details Assumptions
101 Arrangement of single lacing systems
102 Arrangement of battens
8.4.2 Design forces for components
103 8.4.3 Resistance of components of laced compression members
104 8.4.4 Resistance of components of battened compression members
106 8.4.5 Closely spaced built-up members
107 9 Serviceability limit states
9.1 General
9.2 Deformations and dynamic effects for buildings
10 Fatigue
109 Annex A (normative)Selection of execution class
A.1 Use of this Annex
A.2 Scope and field of application
A.3 Execution class
A.4 Selection process
110 A.5 Execution class and partial factors
111 Annex B (normative)Design of semi-compact sections
B.1 Scope and field of application
B.2 Elasto-plastic section modulus
112 B.3 Resistance of cross-sections
113 B.4 Buckling resistance of members
114 Annex C (normative)Additional rules for uniform members with mono-symmetric cross-sections and for members in bending, axial compression and torsion
C.1 Additional rules for uniform members with mono-symmetric cross-section
115 C.2 Additional rules for uniform members in bending, axial compression and torsion
118 Annex D (normative)Continuous restraint of beams in buildings
D.1 Scope and field of application
D.2 Continuous lateral restraints
119 D.3 Continuous torsional restraints
121 Annex E (informative)Basis for the calibration of partial factors
E.1 Use of this informative annex
E.2 Scope and field of application
E.3 Calibration
BS EN 1993-1-1:2022