AGMA – PDF Standards Store ?u= Tue, 05 Nov 2024 12:14:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ?u=/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/cropped-icon-150x150.png AGMA – PDF Standards Store ?u= 32 32 AGMA ISO 23509-B17:2017 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/agma/agma-iso-23509-b17/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 12:14:22 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/agma-iso-23509-b17/ Bevel and Hypoid Gear Geometry
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AGMA 2017 149

This document specifies the geometry of bevel gears. The term bevel gears is used to mean straight, spiral, zerol bevel and hypoid gear designs. If the text pertains to one or more, but not all, of these, the specific forms are identified. The manufacturing process of forming the desired tooth form is not intended to imply any specific process, but rather to be general in nature and applicable to all methods of manufacture. The geometry for the calculation of factors used in bevel gear rating, such as ISO 10300 (all parts), is also included. This document is intended for use by an experienced gear designer capable of selecting reasonable values for the factors based on his/her knowledge and background. It is not intended for use by the engineering public at large. Annex A provides a structure for the calculation of the methods provided in this document.


ISO 23509:2016 was developed by Technical Committee ISO TC 60, Gears. The changes in the new document include:

  • minor corrections of several formulae;
  • the figures have been reworked;
  • explanations have been added in 4.4;
  • the structure of Formula (129) has been changed to cover the case ;
  • a formula for the calculation of cbe2 has been added as Formula (F.160);
  • the values for anC and anC in Formulae (F.318) and (F.319) have been extended to three decimal digits to prevent rounding errors.

Pages: 149

AGMA ISO 18653-A06:2006 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/agma/agma-iso-18653-a06/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 12:14:21 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/agma-iso-18653-a06/ Gears - Evaluation of Instruments for the Measurement of Individual Gears
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AGMA 2006 22

This standard specifies methods for the evaluation of measuring instruments used for gear measurements of involute, helix, pitch and runout. It is applicable both to instruments that measure runout directly and those that compute it from index measurements. It also gives recommendations for the evaluation of tooth thickness measuring instruments and, of necessity, includes the estimation of measurement uncertainty with the use of calibrated gear artifacts.

This document does not address the calibration of artifacts by laboratories accredited in accordance with ISO 17025; nor are its requirements intended as an acceptance specification of product gears (see ISO 1328-1, ISO 1328-2, ISO/TR 10064-1, and ISO/TR 10064-2). The estimation of product gear measurement uncertainty is beyond the scope of this standard, see AGMA ISO 10064-5-A06 for recommendations.


[The foreword, footnotes and annexes, if any, in this document are provided for informational purposes only and are not to be construed as a part of ANSI/AGMA ISO Standard 18653-A06, Gears – Evaluation of Instruments for the Measurement of Individual Gears.]

In 1988, The American Gear Manufacturers Association recognized the need for establishment of standards for the calibration of gear measuring instruments. The AGMA Calibration Committee was formed between April 1989 and their first meeting in February 1990. Between 1995 and 1999, this committee, as members of the Committee on Gear Metrology (COGM), was instrumental in the establishment of the Oak Ridge Gear Metrology Laboratory for the purpose of calibrating gear artifacts traceable to the National Institute for Standards and Technology.

The AGMA Calibration Committee, between 1990 and 1998, developed and published three national standards on calibration of gear measuring instruments: ANSI/AGMA 2110-A94, Measuring Instrument Calibration –Part I, Involute Measurement, ANSI/AGMA 2113-A97, Measuring Instrument Calibration, Gear Tooth Alignment Measurement, and ANSI/AGMA 2114-A98, Measuring Instrument Calibration, Gear Pitch and Runout Measurements.

These standards covered elemental measurements specified in the accuracy requirements of ANSI/AGMA 2015-1-A01, Accuracy Classification System – Tangential Measurements for Cylindrical Gears.

In 1999, the content of these standards was combined and submitted to ISO as a proposed work item. As a result, ISO TC60/WG2 used this as the basis for development of ISO 18653:2003, Gears – Evaluation of instruments for the measurement of gears, and ISO/TR 10064-5:2005, Code of inspection practice – Part 5: Recommendations relative to evaluation of gear measuring instruments.

During the ISO development period the Calibration Committee decided that supplemental information, on measurement system conditions for calibration, accuracy requirements and uncertainty determination, was desirable to have in an AGMA Information Sheet. This resulted in the publication of AGMA 931-A02, Calibration of Gear Measuring Instruments and Their Application to the Inspection of Product Gears, in 2002.

The ISO documents expanded the AGMA work and included material on the determination of uncertainty of measurement and the introduction of spherical calibration artifacts. The natural evolution, therefore, was the adoption of the two comprehensive ISO documents as national documents in place of the four ANSI/AGMA documents.

ANSI/AGMA ISO 18653-A06 replaces ANSI/AGMA 2010-A94, ANSI/AGMA 2110-A94, ANSI/AGMA 2113-A97, and ANSI/AGMA 2114-A98 for measuring instrument calibration. The measuring methods for those standards can be found in AGMA ISO 10064-5-A06.

This standard is an identical adoption of ISO 18653:2003.

The first draft of ANSI/AGMA ISO 18653-A06 was made in October 2005. It was approved by the AGMA membership in July 2006. It was approved as an American National Standard on September 29, 2006.

AGMA ISO 1328-1-B14:2014 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/agma/agma-iso-1328-1-b14/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 12:14:20 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/agma-iso-1328-1-b14/ Cylindrical gears - ISO system of flank tolerance classification - Part 1: Definitions and allowable values of deviations relevant to flanks of gear teeth
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AGMA 2014 47

This part of ISO 1328 establishes a tolerance classification system relevant to manufacturing and conformity assessment of tooth flanks of individual cylindrical involute gears. It specifies definitions for gear flank tolerance terms, the structure of the flank tolerance class system, and allowable values.

This part of ISO 1328 provides the gear manufacturer and the gear buyer with a mutually advantageous reference for uniform tolerances. Eleven flank tolerance classes are defined, numbered 1 to 11, in order of increasing tolerance. Formulae for tolerances are provided in 5.3. These tolerances are applicable to the following ranges:

  • 5 = z = 1 000

  • 5 mm = d = 15 000 mm

  • 0.5 mm = mn = 70 mm

  • 4 mm = b = 1 200 mm

  • ß = 45°


  • d is the reference diameter;
  • mn is the normal module;
  • b is the facewidth (axial);
  • z is the number of teeth;
  • ß is the helix angle.

See Clause 4 for required and optional measuring methods.

Gear design is beyond the scope of this part of ISO 1328.

Surface texture is not considered in this part of ISO 1328. For additional information on surface texture, see ISO/TR 10064-4.


[The foreword, footnotes and annexes, if any, in this document are provided for informational purposes only and are not to be construed as a part of ANSI/AGMA ISO 1328-1-B14, Cylindrical Gears – ISO System of Flank Tolerance Classification – Part 1: Definitions and Allowable Values of Deviations Relevant to Flanks of Gear Teeth.]

The Gear Classification Manual, originally published as AGMA 390.01 in 1961 and revised as AGMA 390.02 in September 1964, provided tolerances for gear tooth flanks.  AGMA 390.03, published in 1973, was a major revision that consolidated the information in AGMA 390.02 with several other AGMA publications, including:

  • AGMA 235.02 (Feb. 1966), Information Sheet for Master Gears;

  • AGMA 239.01 (Oct. 1965), Measuring Methods and Practices Manual for Control of Spur, Helical and Herringbone Gears;

  • AGMA 239.01A (Sept. 1966), Measuring Methods and Practices Manual for Control of Bevel and Hypoid Gears, and parts of;

  • AGMA 236.05 (ASA B6.11, June 1956), Inspection of Fine–Pitch Gears.

Data was added for gear rack and fine-pitch worms and worm gears. The former separate sections of AGMA 390.02 for coarse-pitch and fine-pitch spur, helical and herringbone gearing were blended to offer a single, compatible classification system. The tolerance identifier “Q” was added to indicate that the tolerances in 390.03 apply. If Q was not used as a prefix in the quality number, tolerances in AGMA 390.01 and 390.02 applied.

ANSI/AGMA 2000-A88, Gear Classification and Inspection Handbook – Tolerances and Measuring Methods for Unassembled Spur and Helical Gears, was an update of those sections from AGMA 390.03 for parallel axis gears only. Additionally, the formulas stated the tolerances in both U.S. standard and metric terms.  The content was revised, but basic tolerance levels were unchanged from AGMA 390.03. The other material in AGMA 390.03 on bevels and worms was replaced by ANSI/AGMA 2009-A99 and ANSI/AGMA 2011-A98, respectively. ANSI/AGMA 2000 was approved by AGMA membership in January 1988, and as an American National Standard Institute (ANSI) standard on March 31, 1988.

ANSI/AGMA ISO 1328-1 was developed by ISO Technical Committee 60 as an International Standard with ANSI/AGMA participation. It was first published in February 1995, was adopted without changes by the AGMA membership in June 1999, and was approved as an American National Standard in November 1999. While the subjects covered in this standard were similar to those in ANSI/AGMA 2000-A88, there were significant differences.  They included:

  • Accuracy grade numbering system was reversed, such that the smallest number represented the smallest tolerance;

  • Relative magnitudes of elemental tolerances for a single grade are in a different proportion;

  • The “profile evaluation range” and “helix evaluation range”, where the tolerances are applied, are defined for less flank area than in ANSI/AGMA 2000-A88;

  • The “K Chart” is not used for the permissible tolerance values;

  • Runout is not included as one of the elements with a tolerance;

  • Concepts of “mean measurement trace”, “design profile”, “design helix”, “slope deviation” and “form deviation” are defined.

  • Tolerances are established by geometric mean values of relevant ranges of parameters in tables, not by formulas;

Therefore, the users of ANSI/AGMA ISO 1328-1 were cautioned to be careful when comparing tolerance values formerly specified using ANSI/AGMA 2000-A88.

ANSI/AGMA 2015-1-A01 later replaced ANSI/AGMA 2000-A88 and ANSI/AGMA ISO 1328-1.  It combined the grading system of ISO 1328-1with the methods of ANSI/AGMA 2000-A88, and added concepts of accuracy grade grouping for minimum measurement requirements, filtering, data density, and roughness limits to form deviations.  Tolerance formulas were based on the actual gear geometry rather than on geometric mean values.

ISO 1328-1:2013 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 60, Gears.  This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 1328-1:1995).  While the basis of this edition was AGMA 2015-1 A01, the new revision includes significant technical changes.  In particular, the following should be noted:

  • The scope of applicability has been expanded;

  • Revisions have been made to the formulae which define the flank tolerances;

  • Annexes have been added to describe additional methods for analysis of modified profiles and helices;

  • The evaluation of runout, previously handled in ISO 1328-2, has been brought back into this part of ISO 1328.

AGMA Gear Accuracy Committee approved adoption of the new ISO 1328-1:2013 in November 2013.   AGMA membership approved the adoption in August 2014. It was approved as an American National Standard on September 30, 2014.

AGMA 99FTMS1:1999 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/agma/agma-99ftms1/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 12:14:20 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/agma-99ftms1/ Modeling and Measurement of Sliding Friction for Gear Analysis
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AGMA 1999 15
This student paper discusses background studies needed for the prediction of sliding resistance on gear teeth. Various elastohydrodynamic and mixed lubrication theories for coefficient of traction are examined. These theories are evaluated with respect to experimental results from two-disk tests for several parameters that simulate the continuously varying properties during gear engagement. Based on the comparison of theoretical predictions and test results on a spur gear pair, the lubrication models are evaluated, with special emphasis being placed on the dynamic modeling of friction.

AGMA 99FTM18:1999 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/agma/agma-99ftm18/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 12:14:20 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/agma-99ftm18/ Effects of Wear on the Meshing Contact of Worm Gearing
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AGMA 1999 13
Worm gear contact stresses are the major contributor to worm gear wear and durability failures. In this paper, a combination of loaded tests, coordinate measurements, surface reverse engineering and a special finite element method is employed to study the effect of break-in wear on meshing contact between the mating surfaces of worm gearing parts. Three different wheel tooth geometries are investigated in this paper.

AGMA ISO 10064-5-A06:2006 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/agma/agma-iso-10064-5-a06/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 12:14:20 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/agma-iso-10064-5-a06/ Code of Inspection Practice - Part 5: Recommendations Relative to Evaluation of Gear Measuring Instruments
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AGMA 2006 70

This information sheet provides additional information and examples to support the implementation of ANSI/AGMA ISO18653.  It provides evaluation and calibration procedures for  involute, helix, pitch, runout, and tooth thickness measurement processes.

Methods are provided for evaluation of the condition and alignment of instrument elements such as centers, guide ways, probe systems, etc.  Recommendations are included for establishment of a proper environment and for statistical data evaluation procedures.

It also covers the application of gear artifacts to the estimation of U95 measurement process uncertainty.  Guidance on the application of measurement processes to the inspection of product gears is provided, including fitness for use and the recommended limits for U95 uncertainty based upon the accuracy tolerances of product gears to be inspected.

Many of its recommendations may also be applicable to the measurement of worms, worm wheels, bevel gears and gear cutting tools.


[The foreword, footnotes and annexes, if any, in this document are provided for informational purposes only and are not to be construed as a part of AGMA ISO 10064-5-A06, Code of Inspection Practice – Part 5:  Recommendations Relative to Evaluation of Gear Measuring Instruments.]

In 1988, The American Gear Manufacturers Association recognized the need for establishment of standards for the calibration of gear measuring instruments.  The AGMA Calibration Committee was formed between April 1989 and their first meeting in February 1990.  Between 1995 and 1999, this committee, as members of the Committee on Gear Metrology (COGM), was instrumental in the establishment of the Oak Ridge Gear Metrology Laboratory for the purpose of calibrating gear artifacts traceable to the National Institute for Standards and Technology.

The AGMA Calibration Committee, between 1990 and 1998, developed and published three national standards on calibration of gear measuring instruments: ANSI/AGMA 2110-A94, Measuring Instrument Calibration –Part I, Involute Measurement, ANSI/AGMA 2113-A97, Measuring Instrument Calibration, Gear Tooth Alignment Measurement, and ANSI/AGMA 2114-A98, Measuring Instrument Calibration, Gear Pitch and Runout Measurements.

These standards covered elemental measurements specified in the accuracy requirements of ANSI/AGMA 2015-1-A01, Accuracy Classification System – Tangential Measurements for Cylindrical Gears.

In 1999, the content of these standards was combined and submitted to ISO as a proposed work item.  As a result, ISO TC60/WG2 used this as the basis for development of ISO 18653:2003, Gears – Evaluation of instruments for the measurement of gears, and ISO/TR 10064-5:2005, Code of inspection practice – Part 5: Recommendations relative to evaluation of gear measuring instruments

During the ISO development period the Calibration Committee decided that supplemental information, on measurement system conditions for calibration, accuracy requirements and uncertainty determination, was desirable to have in an AGMA Information Sheet.  This resulted in the publication of AGMA 931-A02, Calibration of Gear Measuring Instruments and Their Application to the Inspection of Product Gears, in 2002.

The ISO documents expanded the AGMA work and included material on the determination of uncertainty of measurement and the introduction of spherical calibration artifacts.  The natural evolution, therefore, was the adoption of the two comprehensive ISO documents as national documents in place of the four AGMA documents.

AGMA ISO 10064-5-A06 replaces AGMA 931-A02, also the instrument set-up and measurement recommendations contained within ANSI/AGMA 2010-A94, ANSI/AGMA 2110-A94, ANSI/AGMA 2113-A97, and ANSI/AGMA 2114-A98.  The requirements for instrument calibration can be found in ANSI/AGMA ISO 18653-A06.

This information sheet is an identical adoption of ISO/TR 10064-5:2005.

The first draft of AGMA ISO 10064-5-A06 was made in October 2005.  It was approved by the AGMA membership in July 2006.

AGMA ISO 14179-1:2004 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/agma/agma-iso-14179-1/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 12:14:20 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/agma-iso-14179-1/ Gear Reducers - Thermal Capacity Based on ISO/TR 14179-1
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AGMA 2004 33

This information sheet utilizes an analytical heat balance model to provide a means of calculating the thermal transmittable power of a single- or multiple-stage gear drive lubricated with mineral oil.  The calculation is based on standard conditions of 25° C maximum ambient temperature and 95° C maximum oil sump temperature in a large indoor space, but provides modifiers for other conditions.


[The foreword, footnotes and annexes, if any, in this document are provided for informational purposes only and are not to be construed as a part of AGMA ISO 14179-1, Gear Reducers – Thermal Capacity based on ISO/TR 14179-1.]

This thermal rating method was the American proposal to ISO/TR 14179.  It utilizes an analytical heat balance model to calculate the thermal transmittable power for a single or multiple stage gear drive lubricated with mineral oil.  Many of the factors in the analytical model can trace their roots to published works of various authors.  The procedure is based on the calculation method presented in AGMA Technical Paper 96FTM9 by A.E. Phillips [1].  The bearing losses are calculated from catalogue information supplied by bearing manufacturers, which in turn can be traced to the work of Palmgren.  The gear windage and churning loss formulations originally appeared in work presented by Dudley, and have been modified to account for the effects of changes in lubricant viscosity and amount of gear submergence.  The gear load losses are derived from the early investigators of rolling and sliding friction who approximated gear tooth action by means of disk testers.  The coefficients in the load loss equation were then developed from a multiple parameter regression analysis of experimental data from a large population of tests in typical industrial gear drives.  These gear drives were subjected to testing which varied operating conditions over a wide range.  Operating condition parameters in the test matrix included speed, power, direction of rotation and amount of lubricant.  The formulation has been verified by cross checking predicted results to experimental data for various gear drive configurations from several manufacturers.

AGMA ISO 14179-1 is not identical to ISO/TR 14179-1:2001, Gears – Thermal capacity – Part 1:  Rating gear drives with thermal equilibrium at 95° C sump temperature.  Differences in this information sheet include:

  • In table 2, the second equation for P1 for spherical roller bearings was changed to correctly indicate the condition (Fr/Fa) = Y2;

  • Text and a figure were added to clause 6 to assist in illustrating Method A testing;

  • Text and a figure were added to 7.1 to assist in illustrating the thermal calculation procedure;

  • Figures A.1 and A.2 were revised to accurately reflect dimensions shown;

  • An annex was added to provide example calculations.

The first draft of AGMA ISO 14179-1 was made in December, 2002.  It was approved by the AGMA membership in March, 2004

AGMA 99FTM17:1999 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/agma/agma-99ftm17/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 12:14:19 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/agma-99ftm17/ Synthetic Oils for Worm Gear Lubrication
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AGMA 1999 12
This paper shows several synthetic gear oils and their influence on wear and efficiency of highly loaded worm gears. The results are based on measurements carried out on the Kluber worm gear test rig. This test rig allows the measurement of input speed, input torque, output torque, bulk and sump temperature. The measured results are compared with other investigations such as measurements of friction coefficients and DIN 3996.

AGMA 99FTM14:1999 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/agma/agma-99ftm14/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 12:14:18 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/agma-99ftm14/ The Effect of Material Defects on Gear Performance - A Case Study
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AGMA 1999 11
The mechanism by which failures occur due to material defects is often circuitous and not readily apparent. In this case study, the authors examine the failure of a medium-sized pinion used in a mining application. The mode of failure was rather catastrophic in nature but did not follow any of the typically understood mechanisms such as tooth bending, surface distress, wear, etc. This paper presents a summary of the failure, its investigation and the methods proposed for its resolution.

AGMA 99FTM15:1999 Edition ?u=/product/publishers/agma/agma-99ftm15/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 12:14:18 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/agma-99ftm15/ Theoretical Model for Load Distribution on Cylindrical Gears: Application to Contact Stress Analysis
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
AGMA 1999 16
The elastic models of gear tooth behavior are usually based on the hypothesis of uniform load distribution along the line of contact. The calculation methods of ISO and AGMA assume that the load per unit of length is equal to the total load divided by the length of contact. In this paper, the load sharing along the line of contact is determined from the hypothesis of minimum elastic potential. From this nonuniform load distribution and Hertz's equation, a method for determining both the value and the location of the critical contact stress is described.
