ESDU 69019:1969
Elastic Stresses and Deflections for Long Rectangular Plates with Small Initial Curvature Under Uniformly Distributed Normal Pressure on the Concave Face
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
ESDU | 1969-08 | 12 |
Curves are given that enable the centre and edge elastic stresses and maximum deflection to be determined for long rectangular plates having initial curvature across the width when subjected to uniform normal pressure on the concave face. The curves are based on thin plate theory and apply for width/thickness ratios greater than or equal to 20 and length/width ratios greater than or equal to 3 when the initial bow/width ratio is less than or equal to 0.1. The data are given for plates which are fixed in translation along the long edges which may be either fixed or free in rotation. The initial curvature may be either circular arc or sinusoidal in form and the data are given for values of initial bow/thickness ratio between 0 and 10.